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4. Baron Sablemane Has Requested Your Presence
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Baron Sablemane Has Requested Your Presence

Speak with Baron Sablemane at the Circle of Blood in the Blade's Edge Mountains.


<name>, while you were out being one hell of a <class>, Baron Sablemane sent his pet dragon up here with a message.

He's asked for you personally. From what I understand, he wants you to head up his own fight against the gronn.

I guess you're the most qualified person in all of Outland to help him, but if I were you, I'd get in contact with a couple of friends first and ask them to join you at the Circle of Blood.


Ah, I see that you decided to take your sweet time answering my summons.

No matter, I have plenty of time to exact my revenge, and I intend for you to be my proxy in the coming battle!


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 1150 experience (69at max. level)


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