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5. Massacre at Gruul's Lair
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Massacre at Gruul's Lair

Slay 10 Bladespire Enforcers, 5 Bladespire Battlemages, 5 Bladespire Ravagers and their leader, Fingrom.
Bladespire Enforcer slain (10)
Bladespire Battlemage slain (5)
Bladespire Ravager slain (5)
Fingrom slain
Suggested Players [3]


You've proven yourself resourceful, and now I think I'm going to put you to personal use in my own fight against Gruul and his sons.

The Bladespire clan are the favored of the gronn, and while you may have thinned out their numbers elsewhere, you haven't yet dealt with their strongest.

Gruul protects the exterior of his lair with only the toughest of ogres, and it is those that you must kill. Head north through the Daggermaw Canyon and you will find Gruul's Lair at the end.


Also, you get:740


Have you managed yet to decimate the Bladespire ogres at Gruul's Lair?

Do not come to me with excuses, boy! Get the job done!


Very well, I chose wisely when I selected you to spearhead my fight. Time to ramp things up to a whole new level, I think.

You remember that little goodie that you stole for me out from underneath Grulloc's nose? You're going to get a chance to put it to good use.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 14600 experience (876at max. level)


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