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2. ...and a Time for Action
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...and a Time for Action

Slay 10 Wyrmcult Hewers.
Wyrmcult Hewer slain (10)


We will not stand idly by while they decimate the Ruuan Weald around us. Our first priority must be to the trees.

<class>, I want you to go back out into the Weald and deliver a very different message for us. I want you to slay every one of their hewers that you come into contact with!

If they will not listen to reason, perhaps they will listen to a more assertive method of persuasion!


You can choose one of these awards:
Hewing Gloves
Tree Warden's Belt
Bracers of the Weald
Expedition Defender's Shoulders
Also, you get:370


Have you protected the trees? Are the hewers cut down?


Thank you, <name>.

While we'll see to it that the wildlife will replenish itself in quick order, regrowing the trees, especially in a natural fashion, is a much more time-intensive process.


Upon completion of quests, get:


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