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1. A Time for Negotiation...
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A Time for Negotiation...

Negotiate with Overseer Nuaar.
Negotiations with Overseer Nuaar complete


When we arrived in the Ruuan Weald, the wyrm cultists were keeping themselves to Blackwing Coven, through the tunnel to the west. But now, they are encroaching upon us here.

I need you to find the wyrmcultists' overseer. He's known to make a regular patrol between their various camps in the Ruuan Weald.

Negotiate with him. Let him know that there's room for compromise, but that we will not condone or allow the wholesale slaughter of the wildlife, nor the felling of all of the trees.


Also, you get:370


Is everything okay?


WHAT?! They dismissed you and our proposals out of hand?

This is outrageous! We go to them in good faith, and they turn you away without even trying to come to a compromise?

Well, we'll see about that!


Upon completion of quests, get:


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