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1. Crystal Clear
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Crystal Clear

Slay 10 Crystal Flayers.
Crystal Flayer slain (10)


The damned rock flayers are keeping me from my research down in the Singing Ridge! By digging at the crystals there, with every scratch they are ruining my chances of studying the harmonics of the singing crystals.

You look like someone who can help me deal with this problem. Head south and clear those crystal flayers out.


Also, you get:370


Have you cleared those crystal flayers out of the Singing Ridge yet? We can't get started on my research until you do.


Good riddance to them; that's what I say. Filthy creatures!

So, if you're certain that you eliminated those pests, then I have a little research project for you. I think you'll like it.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 11650 experience (699at max. level)


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