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2. Gauging the Resonant Frequency
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Gauging the Resonant Frequency

Place the Oscillating Frequency Scanners in such a way that when you stand amongst them, you are hit by 5 overlapping Oscillation fields.
Singing crystal resonant frequency gauged
Oscillating Frequency Scanners
Provided Item:
Oscillating Frequency Scanners


Take these scanners to the Singing Ridge. By dropping them in a pattern on the ground, you will create overlapping fields that will read the amplitude of the crystals. Stand amidst them in such a way that you're in five oscillation fields and I'll have the information that I need!

Your scanners will even work with those that others drop.

Oh, and it's likely that a rift will be formed! I have no idea what, if anything, will come out of it, but be prepared for the worst.


You can choose one of these awards:
Party Hat Mistake
Nickwinkle's Harness Experiment
Last Year's "In" Belt
Metro's Slimming Legs
Also, you get:370


Well, do you have the measurements from the singing crystals that I asked for?


Oh, this is extraordinary! I had no idea... it's almost as if those crystals are alive.

I wonder if there's some sort of symbiotic relationship between them and the nether drakes?

Thank you, thank you! You must accept a little something from my collection of odds and ends that I wouldn't be caught dead wearing.

One of them might look good on you, though.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 11650 experience (699at max. level)


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