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Quick Facts
  • Level: 75
  • Class: Normal
  • React: A H
  • Faction: Kirin Tor
  • Health: 10,635
  • Related:
    • Harold Winston
  • Damage: 571 - 857
  • Armor: 8,141
WowheadWowhead Bug reportBug report

Harold Winston <Jewelry Vendor>

Npc Map not available, NPC may be spawned via a script


80Orange Gem110
21380Misc. (Armor)208
24580Misc. (Armor)492
20080Misc. (Armor)8,500
24580Misc. (Armor)492
22680Misc. (Armor)243
80Red Gem220
20080Misc. (Armor)290
24580Misc. (Armor)492
24580Misc. (Armor)492
80Purple Gem110
20080Misc. (Armor)290
22680Misc. (Armor)1
22680Misc. (Armor)1
22680Misc. (Armor)1
22680Misc. (Armor)1
22680Misc. (Armor)243
80Green Gem110
22680Misc. (Armor)243
24580Misc. (Armor)492
21380Misc. (Armor)1
21380Misc. (Armor)1
21380Misc. (Armor)1
21380Misc. (Armor)1
80Yellow Gem220
20080Misc. (Armor)290
20080Misc. (Armor)8,500
80Blue Gem220
20080Misc. (Armor)290
21380Misc. (Armor)208
21380Misc. (Armor)208
20080Misc. (Armor)8,500
25180Misc. (Armor)1
25180Misc. (Armor)1
25180Misc. (Armor)1
25180Misc. (Armor)1
22680Misc. (Armor)243
21380Misc. (Armor)208
20080Misc. (Armor)8,500
22680Misc. (Armor)243
80Yellow Gem1110
80Green Gem1110
80Orange Gem1110
80Red Gem1110
80Blue Gem1110
80Purple Gem1110


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  • Do not report bugs here. Use our Bug Tracker instead.
  • This is an outdated version of TauriShoot. You might want to post to the new version instead.
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  • Ez a TauriShoot egy elavult verziója. Lehet, hogy inkább az új oldalon oldalon szeretnél kommentelni.

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