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  • Disenchantable (150)

Blackflame Cape

Blackflame Cape
Binds when equipped
69 Armor
+12 Agility
Requires Level 44
Item Level 49
Equip: Increases your fire resistance by 5
Equip: Increases your shadow resistance by 5
Sell Price: 81 52


Qiraji Major45 - 48
A HUncategorized8
Blackrock Sorcerer49 - 50A HHumanoid0.1
Terromath the Seared51A HHumanoid0.1
Sister of Celebras36
A HHumanoid0.1
Hazzali Stinger45 - 47A HBeast0.1
Hammered Patron48 - 52
A HHumanoid0.1
Ravasaur48 - 49A HBeast0.1
Ravasaur Hunter49 - 50A HBeast0.1
Jadefire Shadowstalker45 - 46A HDemon0.1
Giant Ember Worg49 - 51A HBeast0.1
Venomtip Scorpid48 - 50A HBeast0.1
Dark Iron Watchman44 - 47A HHumanoid0.1
Dark Iron Lookout48 - 49A HHumanoid0.1
Flamescale Broodling49 - 50A HDragonkin0.1
Black Dragonspawn50 - 51A HDragonkin0.1
Greater Obsidian Elemental50 - 51A HElemental0.1
Blackrock Warlock49 - 50A HHumanoid0.1
Tempered War Golem45 - 47A HElemental0.1
Slave Worker47 - 49A HHumanoid0.1
Dark Iron Geologist44 - 47A HHumanoid0.1
Winterfall Pathfinder49 - 50A HHumanoid0.1
Winterfall Den Watcher49 - 50A HHumanoid0.1
Winterfall Ursa51 - 52A HHumanoid0.1
Deadwood Den Watcher48 - 49A HHumanoid0.1
Felrot Courser47 - 48A HBeast0.1
Talonbranch Defender48 - 49A HHumanoid0.1
Southsea Musketeer46A HHumanoid0.1
Elder Rage Scar48 - 49A HHumanoid0.1
Frayfeather Patriarch46 - 47A HBeast0.1
Thistleshrub Rootshaper49 - 50A HElemental0.1
Black Broodling51 - 52A HDragonkin0.1
Vile Priestess Hexx51A HHumanoid0.1
Dark Screecher50 - 52A HBeast0.1
Entropic Beast51 - 52A HElemental0.1
Deep Borer37 - 38A HBeast0.1
Noxxious Scion45 - 46A HElemental0.1
Zapped Deep Strider47 - 49A HGiant0.1
Mistwing Rogue49 - 50A HBeast0
Hazzali Sandreaver45 - 47A HBeast0
Carrion Vulture50 - 52A HBeast0
Rabid Longtooth47 - 48A HBeast0
Land Walker48 - 49
A HGiant0
Glasshide Petrifier48 - 49A HBeast0
Hazzali Tunneler48 - 49A HBeast0
Thunderhead Skystormer50 - 52A HBeast0
Witch Doctor Zum'rah46 - 49
A HHumanoid0
Nightmare Whelp49 - 53A HDragonkin0
Anvilrage Overseer48 - 49
A HHumanoid0
Fireguard50 - 51
A HElemental0
Primordial Behemoth38
A HGiant0
Thessala Hydra37 - 38
A HBeast0
Creeping Sludge34 - 35
A HUncategorized0
Zapped Wave Strider47 - 48A HGiant0
Hazzali Swarmer45 - 47A HBeast0
Anvilrage Taskmaster44 - 49A HHumanoid0
Anvilrage Warden49 - 50
A HHumanoid0
Centipaar Worker47 - 48A HBeast0
Alterac Ram80A HBeast0
Alterac Ram50A HBeast0
Alterac Ram70A HBeast0
Alterac Ram (2)80A HBeast0
Alterac Ram (3)80A HBeast0
Ashmane Boar55 - 57A HBeast0
Angerclaw Mauler46 - 47A HBeast0
Sea Elemental36 - 37A HElemental0
Bloodpetal Thresher51 - 52A HElemental0
Hazzali Worker45 - 47A HBeast0
Felpaw Scavenger46 - 47A HBeast0
Nethergarde Soldier49 - 50A HHumanoid0
Deadwood Pathfinder44 - 45A HHumanoid0
Jadefire Satyr44 - 45A HDemon0
Anvilrage Enforcer46 - 49A HHumanoid0
Cursed Ooze45 - 46A Hundefined0
Deadwood Warrior44 - 45A HHumanoid0
Snickerfang Hyena53 - 56A HBeast0
Twilight Geomancer47 - 48A HHumanoid0
Jaedenar Hound45 - 46A HDemon0
Quarry Slave45 - 48A HHumanoid0
Deadwood Gardener44 - 45A HHumanoid0
Centipaar Tunneler47 - 48A HBeast0
Heavy War Golem46 - 48A HMechanical0
Greater Lava Spider46 - 48A HBeast0
Ravasaur Runner49 - 50A HBeast0
Magma Elemental46 - 48A HElemental0
Shore Strider37
A HGiant0
Twilight Fire Guard47 - 48A HHumanoid0
Northspring Harpy34 - 35A HHumanoid0
Searing Roc47 - 48A HBeast0
Nethergarde Foreman56A HHumanoid0
Un'Goro Gorilla52 - 53A HBeast0
Northspring Windcaller34 - 35A HHumanoid0
Jaedenar Guardian45 - 46A HHumanoid0
Bloodpetal Lasher51 - 52A HElemental0
Slavering Ghoul50 - 52A HUndead0
Groddoc Thunderer49 - 50A HBeast0
Ironfur Patriarch48 - 49A HBeast0
Ferocious Rage Scar47 - 48A HHumanoid0
Northspring Roguefeather48 - 49A HHumanoid0
Northspring Slayer49 - 50A HHumanoid0
Scorpid Dunestalker46 - 47A HBeast0


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