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1. Stealing Orgrimmar's Flame
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Stealing Orgrimmar's Flame

Return the Flame of Orgrimmar to the Festival Loremaster.
Flame of Orgrimmar
Provided Item:
Flame of Orgrimmar


This flame, stolen from the heart of Orgrimmar itself, floods you with warmth. This raw power is foreign to you, but the Loremaster might know more...


You can choose one of these awards:
Elderberry Pie Fire-Toasted Bun Midsummer Sausage Toasted Smorc Fiery Festival Brew Handful of Summer Petals
You will receive:
Burning Blossom
The following spell will be cast on you:
Has Completed all Torch Quests
Also, you get:580


You're practically glowing, <race>. What do you have there?


What's this? Unless I'm mistaken, this flame has been taken from the heart of Orgrimmar itself! The fierce hearts of the orcs and trolls are reflected in its searing heat. What a fine addition to our collection--how brave you are, stealing into the enemy's lair to retrieve the sacred flame!

I wonder what power lurks in the other cities...

