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  • Level: 85-85

Baradin Hold

Baradin Hold is the raid instance that opens when your faction controls Tol Barad, similar to the Vault of Archavon. It drops a mix of PvP accessories and tier, as well as PvE tier legs and gloves.

From the Blizzard Community site:
"Following the Second War, the ruined fortress of Baradin Hold on the remote island of Tol Barad was converted into a prison for some of the most dangerous forces on Azeroth. Yet with the devastation wrought by the Cataclysm, the prison's integrity has been compromised. Now as the Horde and Alliance vie for supremacy on the island, the liberation of its forgotten horrors may be at hand.

Battle between the Alliance and Horde rages throughout the surrounding environment, but the inside of Baradin Hold stands silent - and rightly so. Among some of the most deadly entities on Azeroth - those too dangerous to chain above ground or exile from the island - are locked inside the hold, only accessible to those who claim control of Tol Barad."

Having trouble finding it? Click "Location" in the Quick Facts box to the right, or check our video guide to instance entrance locations!
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