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Quick Facts
  • Level: 32
WowheadWowhead Bug reportBug report


8% of base mana
30 yd range
1.5 sec cast
Banishes the enemy target, preventing all action but making it invulnerable for up to 30 sec. Only one target can be banished at a time. Casting Banish on a banished target will cancel the spell. Only works on Demons and Elementals.

Details on spell

Duration 30 seconds
School Shadow
Mechanic banished
Dispel type Magic
cost 8% base mana
Range 30 yards (Medium Range)
Cast time 1.5 seconds
Cooldown n/a
Effect #1 (6) Apply Aura #12: Mod Stun
Effect #2 (6) Apply Aura #39: School Immunity (127)
Effect #3 (6) Apply Aura #118: Mod Healing Pct (127)
Value: -99

