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Cleanse Ata'mal Armament

Cleanse Ata'mal Armament
3 sec cast
Bring to Hauthaa's anvil and break the armament down into its constituent metal pieces, cleansing it of its fel corruption in the process.

Cleansed Ata'mal Metal
Quest Item
Unique (5)
Item Level 1
"No longer seething with corruption."

Details on spell

Duration n/a
School Physical
Mechanic n/a
Dispel type n/a
cost None
Range 0 yards (Self Only)
Cast time 3 seconds
Cooldown n/a
Effect #1 (24) Create Item
Cleansed Ata'mal Metal
Effect #2 (3) Dummy
Radius: 11 yards



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  • Do not report bugs here. Use our Bug Tracker instead.
  • This is an outdated version of TauriShoot. You might want to post to the new version instead.
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  • Ez a TauriShoot egy elavult verziója. Lehet, hogy inkább az új oldalon oldalon szeretnél kommentelni.

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