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  • Level: 22
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Eye of Kilrogg

Eye of Kilrogg
4% of base mana
50000 yd range
Summons an Eye of Kilrogg and binds your vision to it. The eye moves quickly but is very fragile.

Details on spell

Duration 45 seconds
School Shadow
Mechanic n/a
Dispel type n/a
cost 4% base mana
Range 50000 yards (Anywhere)
Cast time 5 seconds
Cooldown n/a
Effect #1 (28) Summon (4277)
Value: 2
Radius: 100 yards
Effect #2 (6) Apply Aura #4: Dummy


Alamar Grimm
<Warlock Trainer>
5A HHumanoid
<Warlock Trainer>
50A HHumanoid
Alexander Calder
<Warlock Trainer>
60A HHumanoid
Babagaya Shadowcleft
<Warlock Trainer>
60A HHumanoid
Bee Bruxworthy
<Warlock Trainer>
25A HHumanoid
<Warlock Trainer>
50A HHumanoid
<Warlock Trainer>
12A HHumanoid
<Warlock Trainer>
25A HHumanoid
Darba the Crone
<Warlock Trainer>
50A HHumanoid
Deborah Fain
<Warlock Trainer>
25A HHumanoid
Delano Morisett
<Warlock Trainer>
50A HHumanoid
Demisette Cloyce
<Warlock Trainer>
60A HHumanoid
Dhugru Gorelust
<Warlock Trainer>
37A HHumanoid
Drusilla La Salle
<Warlock Trainer>
5A HHumanoid
Evol Fingers
<Warlock Trainer>
6A HHumanoid
Evol Fingers
<Warlock Trainer>
10A HHumanoid
Evol Fingers
<Warlock Trainer>
10A HHumanoid
Evol Fingers
<Warlock Trainer>
10A HHumanoid
Evol Fingers
<Warlock Trainer>
25A HHumanoid
Exodar Warlock Trainer
<Warlock Trainer>
1A HHumanoid
Fel-Caller Guloto
<Warlock Trainer>
70A HHumanoid
Gimrizz Shadowcog
<Warlock Trainer>
15A HHumanoid
<Warlock Trainer>
50A HHumanoid
<Warlock Trainer>
25A HHumanoid
Jensen Thomasson
<Warlock Trainer>
50A HHumanoid
Kaal Soulreaper
<Warlock Trainer>
60A HHumanoid
<Warlock Trainer>
55A HHumanoid
Kazrali the Witch
<Warlock Trainer>
60A HHumanoid
Keric Smolderblade
<Warlock Trainer>
60A HHumanoid
Laera Dubois
<Warlock Trainer>
25A HHumanoid
Larn Caverndeep
<Warlock Trainer>
40A HHumanoid
Luther Pickman
<Warlock Trainer>
50A HHumanoid
Maressa Milner
<Warlock Trainer>
10A HHumanoid
Maximillian Crowe
<Warlock Trainer>
10A HHumanoid
<Warlock Trainer>
5A HHumanoid
<Warlock Trainer>
40A HHumanoid
Morairania Horton
<Warlock Trainer>
50A HHumanoid
<Warlock Trainer>
9A HHumanoid
Redia Vaunt
<Warlock Trainer>
50A HHumanoid
Richard Kerwin
<Warlock Trainer>
40A HHumanoid
Rupert Boch
<Warlock Trainer>
15A HHumanoid
<Warlock Trainer>
50A HHumanoid
Saripal Smolderbrew
<Warlock Trainer>
5A HHumanoid
Solbin Shadowcog
<Warlock Trainer>
25A HHumanoid
Strahad Farsan60A HHumanoid
Summoner Calwen
<Warlock Trainer>
80A HHumanoid
Summoner Durael
<Warlock Trainer>
70A HHumanoid
Summoner Fanorad
<Warlock Trainer>
25A HHumanoid
Summoner Nolric
<Warlock Trainer>
80A HHumanoid
Summoner Teli'Larien
<Warlock Trainer>
5A HHumanoid
<Warlock Trainer>
40A HHumanoid
<Warlock Trainer>
40A HHumanoid
<Warlock Trainer>
1A HHumanoid
Unjari Feltongue
<Warlock Trainer>
60A HHumanoid
Ursula Deline
<Warlock Trainer>
40A HHumanoid
Vitus Darkwalker
<Warlock Trainer>
1 - 10A HHumanoid
Vitus Darkwalker
<Warlock Trainer>
5A HHumanoid
Vitus Darkwalker
<Warlock Trainer>
1 - 5A HHumanoid
Vitus Darkwalker
<Warlock Trainer>
5A HHumanoid
Vitus Darkwalker
<Warlock Trainer>
40A HHumanoid
<Warlock Trainer>
11A HHumanoid
World Orc Female Warlock Trainer
<Warlock Trainer>
1A HHumanoid
World Orc Male Warlock Trainer
<Warlock Trainer>
1A HHumanoid
World Warlock Trainer
<Warlock Trainer>
1A HHumanoid
World Warlock Trainer DEPRECATED
<Warlock Trainer>
1A HHumanoid
<Warlock Trainer>
60A HHumanoid
<Warlock Trainer>
60A HHumanoid


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