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1. The Boha'mu Ruins
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The Boha'mu Ruins

Anchorite Ahuurn at Telredor wants you to explore the Boha'mu Ruins.
Explore the Boha'mu Ruins


Before my people were decimated by the orcs, Telredor served as a retreat for draenei anchorites and spiritualists. A small order of anchorites and vindicators maintained a number of shrines in this region.

During the war, we lost contact with the anchorites assigned to the shrines, particularly the Boha'mu temple to the southwest. I've heard reports that a tribe of Lost Ones has settled in the area and may even be using the ruins. Visit the Boha'mu Ruins and tell me of what you find there.


Also, you get:270


Have you examined the Boha'mu Ruins? Can you imagine what they were like in their full splendor?


So, the Feralfen Lost Ones have taken over the ruins? Most intriguing. They must remember something of their heritage and the significance of the site. We must learn more, <name>. This temple could hold the key to redeeming the Lost Ones and reuniting the many threads of draenei.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 10050 experience (63at max. level)
  • 250 Reputation withExodar


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