True Masters of the Light
This quest was marked obsolete and cannot be obtained or completed.
Use the Extinguishing Mixture near the eternal flame in the Alonsus Chapel to remove the Light's protection. Be prepared to fight anyone who may attempt to defend the chapel. Provided Item:Extinguishing Mixture |
Ours is the true way of utilizing the Light, <name>. To show others that would call themselves 'paladins' the folly of their ways, I intend to send an unmistakable message.The Alonsus Chapel, where the Order of the Silver Hand was founded, seems immune to the destruction of Stratholme. The chapel's eternal flame affords it the Light's protection, but when you use this mixture to extinguish the flame, that protection will be no more. It will burn, and our dominion over the Light will be proven to the world.
You will receive:Blood Knight Tabard |
Summon Charger |
Have you done as I asked and delivered my message? The false paladins of the world must surely know their time has come to an end.Completion
Well done. <name>. All who would oppose us would do well to heed the warning you delivered. Our foes should know that they are in peril, from the lowest foot soldier to the mightiest hero.You have earned your place in the ranks of the masters. Your dedication and prowess serve as an example for all Blood Knights. As a symbol of your new status, I grant you the ability to summon and command the thalassian charger.
Upon completion of quests, get:- 2350 experience (141at max. level)
- 250 Reputation withSilvermoon City