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1. Drain Schematics
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Drain Schematics

Search Serpent Lake for signs of a drain. Return to Ysiel Windsinger at the Cenarion Refuge with news of your discovery.
Drain Located
Drain Schematics
Provided Item:
Drain Schematics


The schematics you've obtained show an underground system of drains and pumps that connect the lakes in the region to Serpent Lake.

If the schematics are correct, there is a giant drain in the center of Serpent Lake. Confirm this and bring the news to Cenarion Refuge.


You can choose one of these awards:
Expedition Caster's Band
Pendant of the Marsh
Warden's Ring of Precision
Watcher's Cloak of Vigilance
Also, you get:290


What news do you bring, <name>?


The naga have turned Serpent Lake into a giant water sink for the rest of Zangarmarsh. What could they possibly be doing?

You've done well in bringing this news to us, <name>. We will send a team to investigate this drain you've discovered. I have a different task for you in the meanwhile.


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