A Gesture of Commitment
This quest was marked obsolete and cannot be obtained or completed.
Bring 40 Runecloth, 6 Arcanite Bars, 10 Sungrass, 5 Dark Runes, and 150 Gold to Lady Liadrin in Silvermoon City.Runecloth (40) | |
Arcanite Bar (6) | |
Sungrass (10) | |
Dark Rune (5) | |
Required Money: 150 |
Items for Magister Astalor Bloodsworn |
A Blood Knight's loyalty does not stop at the end of his blade, <name>. The order asks more of its members than mere drilling and combat. A true knight contributes to all of the order's activities, even the ones that may not seem glorious on the surface.This first task is neither combat intensive, nor glorious, but without such contributions, the order would fall apart. I will give you a list of items Magister Astalor Bloodsworn's men require to keep us supplied with Light energy for our magics.
Have you returned with the materials Magister Astalor requires?Completion
Excellent. It appears everything is here.Don't worry. your next task will include plenty of opportunities to wield your weapon again, I promise.
I'll have an initiate bring it all to Magister Astalor. There's no need to send you on such a trivial errand when there are more important things to be done.
Upon completion of quests, get:- 775 experience (4650at max. level)
- 75 Reputation withSilvermoon City