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4. The Path of the Adept
Open Quests
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The Path of the Adept

This quest was marked obsolete and cannot be obtained or completed.

Bring a Corrupted Kor Gem, a Crate of Bloodforged Ingots, a quantity of Blood of the Wrathful, and a Blood Knight Insignia to Knight-Lord Bloodvalor in Silvermoon City.
Return to Knight-Lord Bloodvalor in Eversong Woods.
Corrupted Kor Gem
Crate of Bloodforged Ingots
Blood of the Wrathful
Blood Knight Insignia
Provided Item:
Bloodvalor's Notes


Before a newly-minted adept can be accepted into the ranks of the Blood Knights, he must procure the resources to create our order's distinctive weapon, the blood-tempered ranseur.

You must also earn the right to wear our order's insignia. When the order was founded, a set number were forged and distributed, so each new adept inherits his from a veteran. Your insignia will come from a fallen knight who bravely led an assault on Deatholme.

I have prepared a set of notes to guide you.


Have you done all that was asked of you?


Excellent, <name>. It's all here. All that remains is to forge the weapon.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 2750 experience (165at max. level)


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