The First Trial
This quest was marked obsolete and cannot be obtained or completed.
Travel to the island Knight-Lord Bloodvalor described, find the cave, and light the brazier. When the First Trial is over, return to Knight-Lord Bloodvalor in Silvermoon City.Undergo the First Trial |
You have learned much of combat and bloodshed, initiate, but there is much more to our order.Mastery of the Light requires a focused mind and tremendous willpower. Without these, you are little better than a street thug.
There is an island in the northeastern reaches of the Ghostlands, called the Isle of Tribulations, that we use to hone these skills. You will find a brazier within a shallow cave there. Kneel before the brazier, light it, and focus on what you see before your eyes.
May the Light bend to your will in all endeavors.Completion
I know what must be going through your mind.Yes, I sent Stillblade to kill you.
Do not take offense, <name>; it was a necessary test. The Blood Knights are a brotherhood, but we must ensure that our brothers are alert and prepared at all times. Was it necessary to take Stillblade's life to make the point to you?
Yes, and that is as much a part of your training as any sword drill.
Upon completion of quests, get:- 3875 experience (93at max. level)
- 1.8 Reputation withSilvermoon City