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Stillpine Hold

Speak with High Chief Stillpine at Stillpine Hold.


Promised one, you must travel north to the home of my people - Stillpine Hold. It is there that you will face your most daunting challenge.

Go now, High Chief Stillpine awaits your arrival.


For centuries, we lived in relative peace with the creatures of the land. Several months ago, Kurz began to see dark omens. The peace that we enjoyed for so long was to be lost. The extent of the catastrophe could not be known!

So it would be that the gods would shatter our land - turning both friend and foe against us. But there was something else... Amidst the chaos, a hero would rise: A hero not of Stillpine blood. The Promised One would deliver us from devastation.

That prophesied hero was you.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 200 experience (120at max. level)
  • 25 Reputation withExodar


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