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2. Call of Air
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Call of Air

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Speak with Velaada at Wildwind Peak on Azuremyst Isle.


The great spirit of air calls out to you, <name>, and it is time for you to take heed.

I wish for you to travel up the Wildwind Path on the north facing of the mountain that the Exodar has crashed into. At its peak you will find a cave and within will be one of my most accomplished pupils, Velaada.

Please, listen to her wisdom and do as she bids. When you return you will have a greater understanding of the element of air.


It was whispered to me on the winds that you would be coming, <class>.

Farseer Nobundo thinks very highly of you, and from what I have heard of your travels, so do I.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 1550 experience (93at max. level)



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