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1. Call of Earth
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Call of Earth

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Speak with the Spirit of the Vale at the Sacred Grove in Ammen Vale.


The time has come, <name>. You have grown to the point where you are ready to commune directly with the elemental spirits of this world.

But be warned. I can sense that the manner of our entry into this world, and its unfortunate side effects, have angered the earth spirits and caused an imbalance of the elements.

If you are to create your earth totem, you must first speak with the Spirit of the Vale. You will find it in the Sacred Grove, nestled in the hills to the northwest.


You are bold to seek my wisdom after what your people have done to these islands, stranger! Still, there is much to be said for your bravery, so I will impart to you some knowledge.

The earth beneath your feet forms the foundation for all things. The sky, the waters, even great fire - all rest upon its shoulders. While those others often form chaotic tempests, the earth abides. It grants strength and fortitude to the core of your being.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 11500 experience (69at max. level)



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