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Document from the Front

Take the Smudged Document to the Keeper of the Rolls at Light's Hope Chapel in the Eastern Plaguelands.
A Smudged Document
Provided Item:
A Smudged Document


You found this letter on one of the many Scourge minions you've slain. From its appearance and smell, it has been with the undead for some time. Perhaps someone at Light's Hope Chapel would be interested in examining it further...


Yes? What do you have there?


How tragic. These words, clearly meant for someone the soldier loved, never made it to their destination. The events detailed happened years ago; I'm not sure if the intended recipient still lives.

There is hope yet, however. With the names and information he gives, I might be able to locate the family! It will take some research, but the librarian in Stormwind owes me a favor...

Thank you for bringing this to me. With your help, we may be able to grant someone peace of mind at last.


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