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Teldrassil: The Refusal of the Aspects

Fill the Jade Phial.
Filled Jade Phial
Provided Item:
Jade Phial


Let me tell you more of the task you must complete. The druids in Darnassus use the water of the moonwells of Teldrassil, and their moonwell must be replenished from time to time. Using these specially crafted phials, you can collect the water of the moonwells.

Take this vessel to the moonwell outside of Starbreeze Village to the east, and fill it with some of its waters, then return to me. Pay heed to the lessons of the moonwells, lest we find ourselves furthering our shortcomings.


Hello again, <name>. Have you completed your task?


It is only natural that our race, once immortal and revered, would struggle with regarding ourselves in the humbled manner that we likely should. We must remember to embrace our connection with nature, and with Elune, and push aside our mortal shortcomings.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 550 experience (330at max. level)
  • 250 Reputation withDarnassus


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