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1. Attack on Zeb'Tela
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Attack on Zeb'Tela

Kill 8 Shadowpine Shadowcasters and 8 Shadowpine Headhunters, and return to Farstrider Solanna at Farstrider Enclave in the Ghostlands.
Shadowpine Shadowcaster slain (8)
Shadowpine Headhunter slain (8)


Our resources are spread pretty thin here, <class>, so your help is going to be invaluable. The captain has tasked me with overseeing the harassment of the local Shadowpine troll camps. We have a policy of keeping them off balance until the day when we can launch a brutal offensive to wipe them out.

Until then, we need all of the volunteers that we can get so that those Shadowpine troll numbers are decreased.

Think you could head east to Zeb'Tela and hurt them a little?


Also, you get:10


How are you doing with the attack on Zeb'Tela?


Good, good! You handled that very well! Let's see if you're up to something a little more difficult now.


Upon completion of quests, get:


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