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Princess Must Die!

Kill Princess, grab her collar, then bring it back to Ma Stonefield at the Stonefield Farm.
Brass Collar


The Brackwells have a prize-winning pig, Princess. The sow is HUGE, and she got that way from sneaking over here and eating my veggies!

It just so happens that she's here now! Princess must die! Bring me her collar as proof of the deed and I'll give you something for your time!

You'll find Princess smack dab in the middle of our watermelon patch. Get her!


You can choose one of these awards:
Weather-Worn Boots
Brass-Studded Bracers
Farmer's Boots


Did you see her yet? Did you get her?


Thank goodness! That pig was getting so big she'd have eaten our whole crop! Thank you, <name>.

Now, do any of these suit you?


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 800 experience (480at max. level)
  • 250 Reputation withStormwind


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