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The Escape

Protect Wizzlecrank and the stolen goblin shredder on the way out of the Sludge Fens.
Escort Wizzlecrank out of the Venture Co. drill site


I suppose I'll learn as we go... Couldn't be too hard. Just some buttons here, and a lever or two... Well, are you ready to go?


You can choose one of these awards:
Sputtervalve Gun
Bracers of Angry Mutterings
Nozzlepot Leggings
Also, you get:20


Can I help you?


He wrecked it!?

<Sputtervalve mutters angrily to himself before continuing>.

Hopefully we'll be able to get something of value from the wrecked shredder prototype... my business depends on it! I'll start tearing that sucker apart and we'll see what makes it tick.

Oh, let me give you something for your trouble, too.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 1700 experience (12at max. level)
  • 350 Reputation withRatchet



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