The Alliance Needs More Rainbow Fin Albacore!
Bring 20 rainbow fin albacore to Slicky Gastronome at the airfield in Dun Morogh.Rainbow Fin Albacore (20) |
What! You again? Well I'll be a monkey's uncle... except that I'm a gnome. Slicky Gastronome to be precise! So you're back to help out again eh? Well, I can't say as I blame you. Don't you just love the smell of all of that food? <drool>Enough loitering! Get out there and bring me back more rainbow fin albacore!
You will receive:Alliance Commendation Signet | Ahn'Qiraj War Effort Supplies |
What! You again? Well I'll be a monkey's uncle... except that I'm a <race>. Slicky Gastronome to be precise! So you're back to help out again, eh? Well, I can't say as I blame you. Don't you just love the smell of all of that food? <drool>Enough loitering! Get out there and bring me back more rainbow fin albacore!
I knew that you had it in you, kid. You've got the look of someone who knows what she likes. Specifically that you like pleasing me and the powers that be. And that you have, I guarantee.Haha, ok, I'll just get these fish properly stashed away, and then you and I can have a little talk concerning you collecting another twenty albacore.