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Control Five Bases

Control 5 bases in Arathi Basin at the same time, then return to Field Marshal Oslight at Refuge Pointe.
Return to Field Marshal Oslight at Refuge Pointe in Arathi Highlands.


<name>, battling for the resources of Arathi Basin is a bloody undertaking. Your services to the League of Arathor are as needed as they are appreciated.

And we have one more task for you.

The League wishes to make one strong push against the Defilers' occupation of Arathi Basin. We want them driven out of every strategic point on the battlefield!

It will not be easy, but if anyone can get it done, it is you.


You will receive:
Arathor Battle Tabard
Also, you get:270


You did it! You took all of the bases! Well done, <name>!

There were those who doubted your chances, but I knew you could do it. Thank you, and know that the League of Arathor holds you in high regard, just as the Defilers of the Forsaken must fear the very mention of your name!


Upon completion of quests, get:


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