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Return to Razor Hill

Buy a wind rider to Razor Hill from the wind rider master Doras, then bring Gryshka's Letter to Grimtak at Razor Hill.
Gryshka's Letter
Provided Item:
Gryshka's Letter


My wind riders are trained to fly to many different places, as long as you have already been to that place and spoken with the wind rider master there.

You have been to Razor Hill and spoken to their wind rider master Burok, so now you can fly directly to him from here. Once you're at Razor Hill, you can deliver Gryshka's letter to Grimtak.

Speak with me when you are ready to go.


Also, you get:175


Have you returned from Orgrimmar? Did Gryshka like the meat I sent her?


Hah! I guess she liked it! Nothing brings red to a lady's cheeks like a big, juicy steak!

Thank you, <name>. You've done me a great service. Here is some money for your trouble, and don't be surprised if I invite you to my wedding!


Upon completion of quests, get:


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