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Ride to Orgrimmar

Buy a wind rider to Orgrimmar from the wind rider master Burok, then bring Grimtak's Meats to Gryshka in Orgrimmar.
Grimtak's Meats
Provided Item:
Grimtak's Meats


For just a few coins I will have a wind rider bring you to Orgrimmar. When you get there, you can take Grimtak's meats to Gryshka. Her inn is in the Valley of Strength.

Speak with me again when you are ready for the journey.


Also, you get:85


Something smells good! You don't have raw meat on you, do you?


Oh, wonderful! Those are fine cuts! These are from Grimtak, are they? That orc sure knows his way into a lady's heart...

Oh, I can't wait to cook it. But not too much! Meat is best served rare, don't you think?


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