The Fargodeep Mine
Explore the Fargodeep Mine, then return to Marshal Dughan in Goldshire.Scout through the Fargodeep Mine |
The mine in Northshire isn't the only one with problems! I have reports that the Fargodeep Mine in Elwynn has also become a haven for Kobolds.Explore the mine and confirm these reports, then return to me. The mine is almost due south of Goldshire, between the Stonefield and Maclure homesteads.
Also, you get:175Progress
What do you have to report, <name>? Have you been to the Fargodeep Mine?Completion
This is bad news. What's next, dragons?!? We'll have to increase our patrols near that mine. Thanks for your efforts, <name>. And hold a moment... I might have another task for you.Gains
Upon completion of quests, get:- 650 experience (390at max. level)
- 250 Reputation withStormwind