Order Must Be Restored
This quest was marked obsolete and cannot be obtained or completed.
Assemble an army and travel to the Eastern Plaguelands. Launch a full assault on Nathanos Blightcaller and any Horde filth that may attempt to protect him.Keep your wits about you, <name>. The Horde will defend the ranger lord with their very lives.
Nathanos Blightcaller slain |
Do you know how many ranger lords exist in this world? How many human ranger lords have ever existed?Nathanos' accomplishments were unprecedented. He was a tactical genius, responsible for Alliance victories spanning a decade of conflict.
And now... the champion of the Forsaken.
No. This cannot be. Order must be restored.
Gather an army, <name>. Return to the Plagues with your army and destroy the Blightcaller.
I wish you luck, <name>. Truly, you will need it for this battle.
You can choose one of these awards:Gorewood Bow | Stormrager | Sacred Protector |
<Highlord Bolvar Fordragon is lost in thought.>Completion
It is a tragedy. I think... I believe that our kind is cursed, Ama. We are cursed to lose our greatest warriors; our most noble heroes; our most gifted scholars.We are indebted to you and I assure you, Ama, wherever Nathanos Marris is now, he smiles down upon you.