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1. A Fishy Peril
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A Fishy Peril

Remy "Two Times" wants you to speak with Marshal Dughan in Goldshire.


<name>, there's a new threat in Elwynn Forest! Murlocs are swimming up the streams of eastern Elwynn, scaring away fish and attacking gentle folk!

I warned Marshal Dughan, but he's more worried about the gnolls and the bandits. He's not convinced that the murlocs are a danger.

Please, <name>, speak to Dughan and persuade him to send more troops to the east!


Yes, I spoke with Remy. I respect him as a merchant, though all reports of Murlocs to the east have been sketchy at best.

Your concerns are noted, but unless I receive a military report of a murloc threat, we can't afford to send more troops east.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 100 experience (60at max. level)
  • 10 Reputation withStormwind


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