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Rune-Inscribed Note

Read the Rune-Inscribed Note and speak to Meela Dawnstrider in Camp Narache.
Rune-Inscribed Note
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Rune-Inscribed Note


Just a moment ago a messenger was looking for you, <name>. I believe she was sent by the shaman trainer Meela. If this note is from Meela, I wouldn't take long in reading it's contents.


As quickly as water falls from the sky, here you are before me. I am pleased by your haste. It means you realize both the importance of our meeting and you being here. I am no leader, but I do understand the elements, and I can speak to the spirits of our people. I will teach you to do the same.


We will meet many times in the days to come. Each time you will hopefully leave my company a little more powerful... a little more prepared. Like the Eternal Flame, your spirit will burn bright and hot.

Go now, <name>. Go and test yourself. I will be here for you when you need.


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