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Fire in the Skies

Use the Trained Fire Hawk to kill 100 of the Flamewaker Salamanders, 40 of the Cinderweb Spiders, and 3 of the Molten Lords that are amassing in the Firelands.
Amassing Flamewakers slain (100)
Amassing Cinderwebs slain (40)
Molten Lords slain (3)


Look at that! It's incredible! Born less than two days ago and already full grown. Sadly, I suspect their life cycle is similarly short, so we'll have to take advantage of any time we have.

His training went remarkably well. I want you to be the one to take him out and unleash him on the bulk of the enemy forces gathered near Ragnaros' keep.

Show no mercy, <race>.


The following spell will be cast on you:
Cancel Fire Hawk Egg Retrieved
Also, you get:940
Mark of the World Tree


Some of our most capable forces are poised to strike at Ragnaros himself. If these attacks go well, we may be able to give them the opportunity they need.


I take it your assault was a success! Brilliant. This could be a key moment in opening up Ragnaros' defenses.


Upon completion of quests, get:

