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Booty Bay's Interests

Recover an artifact that might keep the Zul'Gurub trolls out of Booty Bay.
Zul'Gurub Stone
Suggested Players [5]


Look, <name>. You've helped out plenty so far, but that's not going to be enough. I need these crazy trolls stopped, or at least stopped from getting into Booty Bay.

I'm going to send a man in to oversee the action, but I want you to go into Zul'Gurub and make something happen.

At the very least, I want you to find me something that will help keep these trolls out of Booty Bay.

You do that and we'll treat you right.


Also, you get:940


Did you find something, <name>?


You killed them all? I wish that would ease my mind, but these guys seem to have a habit of coming back from the dead.

Ah, but what's that you have?

You say it might keep them out of Booty Bay?

Now we are talking!

Oh right, I said I had a reward for you? Sure... Just give me a minute to find it.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 69400 experience (4164at max. level)

