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The Sanctuary Must Not Fall

Stand by Malfurion as he resurrects Malorne.
Protect Malfurion


Malfurion is working on a miracle for us. He believes that, in this time of peril, he can resurrect Malorne to protect the Sanctuary. I have faith in him.

In the meantime, we need to hold this perimeter. Stand by, and make sure no harm befalls my fellow arch druid.


The following spell will be cast on you:
Update Zone Auras and Phase Shift
Also, you get:940
Mark of the World Tree


Please, <name>. Focus on the task at hand.


Malorne's strength alone may have just saved Kalimdor. To imagine, Malorne has returned today, after so long an absence...

<Malfurion surveys the area.>

We've taken heavy losses. Though the immediate threat is no longer present, our forces will need time to heal, and to put out any remaining fires here in Hyjal.

Our attack on the Firelands will have to wait.


Upon completion of quests, get:

