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Burn Victims

Heal 8 Wounded Hyjal Defenders.
Wounded Hyjal Defender saved (8)
Provided Item:
Enchanted Salve


We have warriors out in the field who are falling wounded, and many of our druids are too busy fighting to give them proper aid. I need you to go to the north, towards the Ashen Fields, and tend their wounds at least enough that they can make it back to safety.

If you haven't any bandages or healing spells, I had Rayne put together this salve, which should prove sufficient to get them on their feet.


Also, you get:940
Mark of the World Tree


To our fortune, Ragnaros' forces far more often injure our warriors than outright kill them. Their attacks naturally cauterize the wounds they inflict. It's very painful, but it's better than death.


I saw several of our warriors make it back to safety shortly after you departed. It seems your efforts were quite effective. Thank you.


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