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You Scream, I Scream...

Purchase ice cream at The Cone of Cold and then share it with your orphan.
Take your orphan out for ice cream.
Provided Item:
Human Orphan Whistle


There's a brand new ice cream shop in Stormwind, and it's not just any old ice cream either. This ice cream is made by mages! You don't think I'm going to be hungry fifteen minutes after eating it, do you?

I bet it tastes really good. Let's go try it!

I heard some of the other kids talking about it, and they were saying the store is called The Cone of Cold and it's over near the Blue Recluse in the Mage Quarter.


Ice cream is my favorite.


Do you think the apprentices mind freezing all that ice cream? I wish I got to make ice cream at school. That would make lessons a lot more fun, don't you think?



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