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Quick Facts
  • Level: 4
  • Requires level: 1
  • Side: Both
Open Quests
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The Rear is Clear

Report to Marshal McBride in front of Northshire Abbey in Elwynn Forest.


Excellent work, <name>! The rear is now officially clear. We'll take care of the stragglers. I want you to go back to Marshal McBride, standing in front of Northshire Abbey, south of here, and let him know that the goblin situation is under control.

Farewell, <class>.


Also, you get:7


With your help we have managed to secure the northern and western sectors of Northshire. We still have a rather large contingency of Blackrock orcs to the east and they've begun burning down the forest!


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 50 experience (30at max. level)
  • 10 Reputation withStormwind



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  • Do not report bugs here. Use our Bug Tracker instead.
  • This is an outdated version of TauriShoot. You might want to post to the new version instead.
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