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Fear No Evil

Revive 4 Injured Stormwind Soldiers.
Injured Soldier Revived (4)
Provided Item:
Paxton's Prayer Book


Have you embraced the Holy Light yet, brother? It is through the Holy Light that we are saved! It is through the Holy Light that I am able to heal these overly demanding soldiers! And it is through the Holy Light that you will be able to venture out into the field to the north and rescue our fallen brothers!

Take this prayer book with you into the field and cast the Light's healing touch on the injured.


You will receive:
Wolf Hunter's Vest
The following spell will be cast on you:
Update Player Phase/Auras
Also, you get:50


Rescue our soldiers!


I think you now understand the power of the Light. The Light giveth hope, brother and the Light taketh from the darkness! BLESSED BE THE LIGHT!


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 250 experience (150at max. level)
  • 250 Reputation withStormwind



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  • Do not report bugs here. Use our Bug Tracker instead.
  • This is an outdated version of TauriShoot. You might want to post to the new version instead.
  • Ne itt jelents hibákat! Erre a Bug Tracker szolgál.
  • Ez a TauriShoot egy elavult verziója. Lehet, hogy inkább az új oldalon oldalon szeretnél kommentelni.

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