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1. Hero's Call: Outland!
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Hero's Call: Outland!

Report to Commander Duron at the Stair of Destiny in Hellfire Peninsula.


By order of his royal highness, King Varian Wrynn, all able-bodied citizens of the Alliance are to report to Commander Duron in Hellfire Peninsula.

The expeditionary forces require your help to overcome the demonic armies of the Burning Legion! Use the portal on the middle level of the tower in the Mage District to travel to the Blasted Lands, then travel through the Dark Portal to reach the Stair of Destiny in Outland.

For the glory and honor of the Alliance!


The expedition needs your help, <class>.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 950 experience (57at max. level)
  • 10 Reputation withStormwind


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