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Efficient Excavations

Bring 'Efficient Excavations' to Belloc Brightblade in Schnottz's Landing.
Provided Item:
Efficient Excavations


This manual describes outlandish theories on how to most efficiently manage large groups of workers as they engage in massive excavation projects.

After a quick skim of the material, it becomes clear to you that the author of the book is the figure in charge of the over-aggressive pillagers here.

A map on the back cover indicates that the author has a bunker in the southwest region of Uldum.

Perhaps an introduction is in order.


Also, you get:86


Oh look, it's one of little Schnottz's pamphlets.

I'll just be taking that from you, if you don't mind.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 11000 experience (660at max. level)


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