Obtain 4 Time-Worn Breastplates and 4 Rusted Swords.Time-Worn Breastplate (4) | |
Rusted Sword (4) |
As you turn around, you see the silhouettes of shambling skeletons on the stairs.The undead aren't gone from this crypt. They were lying in wait! Furthermore, they appear to be armed with the weapons that you came looking for.
You'll have to escape from the crypt. On your way out, you should gather as many pieces of equipment as you can.
You can choose one of these awards:Cloak of the Unrestful | Spiritual Barrier | Cryptkeeper's Belt | Valorfist Band |
What happened at Uther's Tomb, <name>?Completion
Attacked by ghosts? Strange. I suppose that crypt wasn't fully healed after all.You just missed Thurman Grant... you remember, that oaf of a farmer that was here earlier. He took his men with him and traveled to the nearest farm... against my orders.
Upon completion of quests, get:- 4350 experience (261at max. level)
- 350 Reputation withStormwind