The Way of the Sunwalkers
Learn Seal of Righteousness and Judgement from Sunwalker Helaku. Locate a Training Dummy in Camp Narache and practice using Judgement.Practice using Judgement |
It is always a pleasure to meet a fellow Sunwalker. We are not as numerous as some of the more ancient orders, but our ways are no less powerful and our members no less respected.Allow me to teach you one of our most basic techniques -- seals and judgments. Using Seal of Righteousness allows you do deal extra holy damage with each swing, and using Judgement, all who attack your enemy will have a chance to be healed.
Try it for yourself.
You have made me proud, <name>. You will make a fine Sunwalker. Return when you desire further training.Gains
Upon completion of quests, get:- 100 experience (60at max. level)
- 75 Reputation withThunder Bluff