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Quick Facts
  • Level: 3
  • Requires level: 3
  • Side: Draenei
  • Start: Aurelon
  • End: Aurelon
  • Class: Paladin
  • Sharable
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The Light's Power

Learn Seal of Righteousness and Judgement from Aurelon. Apply Seal of Righteousness, find a Training Dummy on the northwest side of the Crash Site and use Judgement.
Use Judgement
Learn Spell: Judgement


As a paladin, you're no stranger to the Light that touches all of us. But you also have the unique power to call upon the Light to help you in battle.

While under the effects of the Seal of Righteousness, each melee attack will deal extra holy damage. From time to time, you can also use Judgement to unleash your seal's power for another attack.

I want you to try out these techniques using the training dummies to the northwest of the Crash Site.


You've proven yourself a quick learner, <name>. I look forward to training you again when the time is right.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 250 experience (150at max. level)
  • 250 Reputation withExodar


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