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2. Continue to Stormwind
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Continue to Stormwind

Buy a gryphon ride from the gryphon master Bartlett the Brave, then bring Argus' Note to Osric Strang, in the shop Limited Immunity, in the Old Town of Stormwind.
Argus' Note
Provided Item:
Argus' Note


For a small fee, you can take a gryphon to Stormwind, so you can deliver Argus' note to Osric. You won't get there faster any other way.

If that sounds acceptable, then just speak to me again when you're ready for the ride. I'll charge you a little, but trust me; it'll be worth it!


Also, you get:85


You've been traveling, eh? Have you been anywhere interesting?


Ah, a note from Smith Argus? I'm not surprised he needs more gear. There are so many new recruits these days.

Well thank you, <name>. Here's some money to cover your travel costs.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 300 experience (180at max. level)
  • 75 Reputation withStormwind



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