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Extinguishing Hope

Use Milly's Extinguisher to put out 8 Vineyard Fires.
Vineyard Fire extinguished (8)
Provided Item:
Milly's Fire Extinguisher


Times like these make me long for when the Defias were still around. The cataclysm has opened a pathway from the Burning Steppes and now Blackrock orcs pour into Northshire Valley! They have taken over my vineyard and are burning it to the ground! TO THE GROUND!

Please, <name>, that vineyard is all I have. Take my fire extinguisher and extinguish the flames at the vineyard. There still might be hope for that land!


You will receive:
Grape-Picking Sack
Wine-Stained Cloak
Also, you get:75


Have you put out the fires?


Bless your heart, <name>. You truly are a hero of the Alliance! Though the land is completely incinerated and there is nothing left of the vineyard but ash and debris, I still might be able to recover. Right? How bad can it be?


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 350 experience (210at max. level)
  • 250 Reputation withStormwind


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