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Times are Tough

Kill 10 Harvest Watchers.
Harvest Watcher slain (10)


Times are tough, brother. With the downtrodden masses of Stormwind migrating into Westfall, resources are stretched as thin as they've ever been. The people are restless and in need of help.

Our own farmhouse has been serving as a halfway house for years. Salma does the best that she can to keep our guests alive, but sometimes the watchers get 'em. Watchers are those twisted abominations roaming my fields - a little present left behind by the Defias, before they were driven off. Help us!


Also, you get:5


Did you destroy the harvest watchers?


Thank you, brother. You've done Salma and I a great service and I promise that it won't soon be forgotten. I don't have much money, but you're welcome to what I do have.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 900 experience (2160at max. level)


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